
  • Trade names: Prinvil, Qbrelis, Zestrils
  • Lisinopril is a medication used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure.
  • Common side effects may include hyperkalemia, dizziness, cough, headache, fatigue, abdominal pain.
  • Important considerations include avoiding pregnancy, monitoring blood pressure regularly, and reporting any severe side effects to a healthcare provider promptly.
  • Considerations:
    • Avoid salt substitutes containing potassium or food containing high levels of potassium
    • Take missed doses as soon as possible, unless it is almost time for the next dose. If so, then do not double dose.
    • Lisinopril may cause allergic reactions, such as swelling of the face, lips, or tongue, which should be reported immediately.
    • Regular kidney function tests may be needed while taking lisinopril, as it can affect kidney function in some individuals.
    • It’s important to stay well-hydrated and avoid excessive sweating or dehydration while on lisinopril.
    • If you are diabetic, monitor blood glucose closely as this medication can cause hypoglycemia 
    • If planning to undergo surgery or dental procedures, it’s crucial to inform the healthcare provider about lisinopril use.